Olu, Olushayo
Drameh-Avognon, Pamela
Asamoah-Odei, Emil
Kasolo, Francis
Valdez, Thomas
Kabaniha, Grace
Karamagi, Humphrey
Good, Suvajee
O’Malley, Helena
Yoti, Zabulon
Razakazoa, Nirina
Minkoulou, Etienne
Dangou, Jean-Marie
Mbola Mbassi, Symplice
Castellon, Mariano Salazar
Cabore, Joseph
Moeti, Matshidiso
Article History
First Online: 12 November 2019
Change Date: 2 December 2019
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: Following publication of the original article [1], the authors reported the following author name error is the article:
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: AFRO convened the second Forum in collaboration with the Government of Cabo Verde. All invited participants and panellists consented to participate in the Forum. No images, statements or videos relating to an individual person are used in this publication, thus written informed consent for the publication of this article was deemed not necessary.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.