Lemieux, Madeleine E.
Reveles, Xavier T.
Rebeles, Jennifer
Bederka, Lydia H.
Araujo, Patricia R.
Sanchez, Jamila R.
Grayson, Marcia
Lai, Shao-Chiang
DePalo, Louis R.
Habib, Sheila A.
Hill, David G.
Lopez, Kathleen
Patriquin, Lara
Sussman, Robert
Joyce, Roby P.
Rebel, Vivienne I.
Clinical trials referenced in this document:
Documents that mention this clinical trial
Detection of early-stage lung cancer in sputum using automated flow cytometry and machine learning
Article History
Received: 16 November 2022
Accepted: 12 January 2023
First Online: 21 January 2023
: The study described herein is part of a minimal risk protocol registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT03457415), reviewed and approved by the Sterling Institutional Review Board (Atlanta, GA), and conducted according to ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki (v 1996) and Good Clinical Practice guidelines. Participants were enrolled in the study upon signing a written consent after the study was explained to them by a study coordinator.
: Not applicable.
: MEL received payment from bioAffinity Technologies for services provided. XTR, JR, LHB, PRA, JS, MG, S-CL and VIR are current or past employees of bioAffinity. The respective affiliated hospitals and medical facilities of LRD, SAH, DGH, KL and LP received payment from bioAffinity for patient sample collection LRD, SAH, DGH, KL and LP performed. LP has consulted for bioAffinity on matters related to radiology. RPJ is the owner of Precision Pathology Services, a commercial collaborator of bioAffinity and holds stock in bioAffinity.