Edström, Dag
Niroomand, Anna
Stenlo, Martin
Uvebrant, Kristina
Bölükbas, Deniz A.
Hirdman, Gabriel
Broberg, Ellen
Lim, Hooi Ching
Hyllén, Snejana
Lundgren-Åkerlund, Evy
Pierre, Leif
Olm, Franziska
Lindstedt, Sandra
Funding for this research was provided by:
Lund University
Article History
Received: 27 March 2023
Accepted: 22 May 2023
First Online: 31 May 2023
: The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee for Animal Research (Dnr 5.2.18-4903/16, and Dnr 5.2.18-8927/16).
: Not applicable.
: D.E., A.N., M.S., D.B., G.H., E.B., S.H., L.P., F.O. and S.L. declare no conflicts of interest. E.L.A. is the CEO and CSO of Xintela AB, holds stock in the company and is an inventor of a patent related to this study. K.U. and H.C.L. are employees of Xintela AB and hold stock in the company.