Pare Toe, Lea
Dicko, Bakara
Linga, Richard
Barry, Nourou
Drabo, Mouhamed
Sykes, Naima
Thizy, Delphine
Funding for this research was provided by:
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1141988)
Open Philanthropy (0-77157, 2016-161185)
Article History
Received: 10 February 2022
Accepted: 8 July 2022
First Online: 23 July 2022
: The work described in this paper was carried-out mainly between 2014 and 2020 and was covered by the following ethics approvals: From the Comité d’Éthique Institutionnel du Centre Muraz, Burkina Faso (Institutional Ethics Committee of the Muraz Centre): 009-2012/CE/CM; From the Comité d’Éthique Institutionnel pour la Recherche en Sciences de la Santé, Burkina Faso (Institutional Ethics Committee for Research in Health Sciences): A05/2016/CEIRES, A002/2017/CEIRES and A001/2018/CEIRES; From the Comité d’Éthique de la Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie de l’Université des Sciences, des Techniques et des Technologies de Bamako, Mali (Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of the University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako): 2014/ 67/ CE/FMPOS, 2017/ 44/ CE/FMPOS, 2013-37-CE/FMPOS, 2016/ 67 /CE/FMPOS, 2017/ 43 /CE/FMPOS and 2019/ 118 /CE/FMPOS; From the Ugandan Virus Research Institute Research and Ethics Committee: UVRI-GC/127/14/02/348, UVRI-GC/127/18/01/600, UVRI-GC/127/16/11/348, UVRI-GC/127/21/01/807; From the Ugandan National Council for Science and Technology: UNCST-HS1328-2015, UNCST-HS1328-2016, UNCST-HS2378-2018.
: As this paper does not disclose any individual information from participants, specific consent for publication was not sought. However, all the stakeholders who participated in this research over the years have provided either their individual consent or a community agreement to participate in this project and the research described in this paper. The individual consent or community agreement have been obtained according to the specific details described in each partner’s ethics protocol that has been reviewed and approved by their institutional ethics committee. In most cases, those consents and agreements were written but, in some occurrences, according to the approved protocol, those were verbal.
: All the authors are part of Target Malaria.