Woods, Cathy
Settee, Craig
Beaucage, Mary
Robinson-Settee, Helen
Desjarlais, Arlene
Adams, Evan
Turner, Catherine
King, Malcolm
Pokiak, Letitia
Wilson, Mary
Voyageur, Evelyn
Large, Chantel
McGavock, Jonathan
Kappel, Joanne
Chiu, Helen
Beardy, Tamara
Flett, Isabelle
Scholey, James
Harris, Heather
Jones, Jocelyn
Nahanee, Latash Maurice
Nahanee, Delhia
Beaucage, Mary
Desjarlais, Arlene
Woods, Cathy
Fontaine, George
King, Malcolm
Voyageur, Evelyn
McGavock, Jonathan
Beardy, Tamara
Saucier, Donna
Flett, Isabelle
Ross, Darrell
Cook, Tannyce
Pokiak, Letitia
Nahanee, Latash Maurice
Nahanee, Delhia
Kappel, Joanne
Dart, Allison
Funding for this research was provided by:
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (477469, 477469, 477469, 477469, 477469, 477469, 477469, 477469, 477469, 477469, 477469, 477469, 477469, 477469, 477469, 477469, 477469)
Article History
Received: 20 June 2023
Accepted: 21 October 2023
First Online: 8 November 2023
: Not applicable.
: Consent was collected from all participants who offered a testimonial. Consent for photo (Fig. ) pending.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.