Di Renzo, Laura
Gualtieri, Paola
Pivari, Francesca http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2277-6833
Soldati, Laura
AttinĂ , Alda
Cinelli, Giulia
Leggeri, Claudia
Caparello, Giovanna
Barrea, Luigi
Scerbo, Francesco
Esposito, Ernesto
De Lorenzo, Antonino
Article History
Received: 12 May 2020
Accepted: 2 June 2020
First Online: 8 June 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: The study was conducted in full agreement with the national and international regulations and the Declaration of Helsinki (2000). All participants were fully informed about the study requirements and were required to accept the data sharing and privacy policy before participating in the study. The study was not a clinical trial on drugs, supplements or foods, but a surveillance on population’s habits. All the participants gave their consent to the data treatment at the beginning of the web-survey. If any participant had not given his/her consent, the web-survey automatically stopped. The anonymous nature of the web-survey does not allow to trace in any way sensitive personal data. Therefore, the present web-survey study does not require approval by Ethics Committee.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare no conflict of interest.