Lynge, Susanne
Hartvigsen, Jan
Christensen, Henrik Wulff
Vach, Werner
Hestbaek, Lise
Funding for this research was provided by:
Fonden til fremme af kiropraktisk Forskning og Postgraduat uddannelse (25538/15)
Article History
Received: 11 February 2019
Accepted: 6 June 2019
First Online: 23 August 2019
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: We are not aware of documented serious or long-lasting side effects reported in children aged 7–14 following the type of treatment used in this trial and no compensation claims have ever been made for this age group in Denmark since the Danish Patient Compensation association was established in 2004 and up to 2012 [CitationRef removed]. The most commonly reported side effects of chiropractic manipulation in children are soreness in the treated area, tiredness or headache and these side effects are reported to subside within 24–48 h [CitationRef removed].All parents must give written informed consent allowing their child to participate in this study and they are informed orally and in writing that participation in the trial is voluntary and that parents can withdraw their child from the trial at any time with no negative consequences for the child. All participants are treated according to the Helsinki declaration [CitationRef removed].The project has been approved by The Regional Committee on Health Research Ethics (#N-20150025) and data are handled according to the General Data Protection Regulations [CitationRef removed]. The trial is registered with ExternalRef removed [CitationRef removed] (Identifier: NCT02684916).
: Not applicable.
: SLR and HWC work in private chiropractic practice. JH, HWC, WV and LH are partly employed by The Nordic Institute for Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics, which is funded jointly by the Danish Chiropractors and the Danish Regions.