Lam, Byron L.
Leroy, Bart P.
Black, Graeme
Ong, Tuyen
Yoon, Dan
Trzupek, Karmen
Funding for this research was provided by:
Article History
Received: 12 July 2021
Accepted: 28 November 2021
First Online: 14 December 2021
: Not applicable.
: Consent for publication of deidentified patient clinical and genetic information has been obtained where applicable.
: BLL has received research and clinical trial funding from the National Eye Institute, AGTC, Biogen, Editas Medicine, Pixium Vision, and ProQR and consultancy fees from Biogen and ProQR. BPL has received consultancy fees from Bayer, GenSight Therapeutics, IVERIC Bio, Novartis Pharma International & Belgium, Spark Therapeutics, ProQR Therapeutics, REGENXBIO, and Vedere Bio; has received travel support from GenSight Therapeutics, IVERIC Bio, Novartis Pharma International & Belgium, Spark Therapeutics, and ProQR Therapeutics; and reports an unpaid consultancy with LookoutGTx. GB has received consultancy fees from GenSight Therapeutics and Novartis Pharma International. TO has nothing to disclose. DY is an employee and stockholder of Biogen. KT has received an honorarium from Biogen for speaking at an internal training event.