Bliddal, Mette
Wesselhoeft, Rikke
Strandberg-Larsen, Katrine
Ernst, Martin T.
Weissman, Myrna M.
Gingrich, Jay A.
Talati, Ardesheer
PottegÄrd, Anton
Funding for this research was provided by:
National Institute of Mental Health (R01MH114967)
Article History
Received: 15 March 2023
Accepted: 30 May 2023
First Online: 16 June 2023
: The institutional data protection board at the University of Southern Denmark, the Danish Health Data Authority, and the DNBC approved the research project. As per Danish law, studies based entirely on registry data do not require approval from an ethics review board.
: Not applicable.
: Dr. Weissman has received funding from the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, the Sackler Foundation, the Templeton Foundation, and the Interstitial Cystitis association, and receives royalties from the Oxford University Press, Perseus Press, the American Psychiatric Association Press, and MultiHealth Systems. None of these present a conflict of interest. Dr. PottegÄrd reports participation in research projects funded by Alcon, Almirall, Astellas, AstraZeneca, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Novo Nordisk, Servier and LEO Pharma, all regulator-mandated phase IV-studies, all with funds paid to the institution where he was employed (no personal fees) and with no relation to the work reported in this paper. Drs. Bliddal, Ernst, Gingrich, Strandberg-Larsen, Talati, and Wesselhoeft report no disclosures.