Zanwar, Saurabh
Sidana, Surbhi
Shune, Leyla
Puglianini, Omar Castaneda
Pasvolsky, Oren
Gonzalez, Rebecca
Dima, Danai
Afrough, Aimaz
Kaur, Gurbakhash
Davis, James A.
Herr, Megan
Hashmi, Hamza
Forsberg, Peter
Sborov, Douglas
Anderson Jr, Larry D.
McGuirk, Joseph P.
Wagner, Charlotte
Lieberman-Cribbin, Alex
Rossi, Adriana
Freeman, Ciara L.
Locke, Frederick L.
Richard, Shambavi
Khouri, Jack
Lin, Yi
Patel, Krina K.
Kumar, Shaji K.
Hansen, Doris K.
Article History
Received: 26 March 2024
Accepted: 6 May 2024
First Online: 6 June 2024
: S.Z., O.P, R.G., D.D. G.K, M.H, P.F, C.W.A.L-C.: no relevant disclosures. S.S.: Consulting or advisory role for Janssen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Legend, Magenta Therapeutics, Sanofi, Pfizer, Takeda, Kite, Abbvie and Regeneron; Research funding from Janssen, Magenta Therapeutics, Allogene Therapeutics, Novartis and Bristol-Myers Squibb; L.S.: Consulting or Advisory role for Janssen Oncology; O.C.P.: Consulting or Advisory role for BMS/Celgene/Juno, Legend Biotech; A.A.: Consulting or Advisory role for BMS, Karyopharm, Research funding from Abbvie, Adaptive biotechnologies; J.A.D.: consultancy for Janssen; H.H.; Consulting or Advisory role for Sanofi, BMS/Celgene, Janssen; speaker’s bureau: Janssen, Karyopharm, Amgen; D.S.: Consulting or Advisory role for Sanofi, GSK, BMS/Celgene, Janssen, Abbvie, Pfizer, Arcellx, BiolineRx, Astrazeneca, research funding from Pfizer; L.D.A. Jr: consulting or advisory board role for Janssen, Celgene, Bristol Myers Squibb, Amgen, GlaxoSmithKline, AbbVie, BeiGene, Cellectar, Sanofi, Karyopharm, Oncopeptides, and Prothena. J.M: Honoraria: Kite, a Gilead company, AlloVir, Magenta Therapeutics, Nektar, Sana Biotechnology; Consulting or Advisory Role: Kite, a Gilead company, Juno Therapeutics, AlloVir, Magenta Therapeutics, EcoR1 Capital, CRISPR therapeutics; Speakers’ Bureau: Kite/Gilead; Research Funding: Novartis (Inst), Fresenius Biotech (Inst), Astellas Pharma (Inst), Bellicum Pharmaceuticals (Inst), Novartis (Inst), Gamida Cell (Inst), Pluristem Therapeutics (Inst), Kite, a Gilead company (Inst), AlloVir (Inst); Travel, Accommodations, Expenses: Kite, a Gilead company; A.R.: consultant for Sanofi, BMS, Janssen, and Adaptive. C.R. is a consultant for Janssen, BMS, Takeda, Sanofi, and Artiva; C.L.F: horonoraria and consulting- Bristol Myers Squibb, Seattle Genetics, Celgene, AbbVie, Sanofi, Incyte, Amgen, ONK Therapeutics & Janssen; and research funding from Bristol Myers Squibb, Janssen, and Roche/Genentech; F.L.L.: Scientific Advisory Role/Consulting Fees: A2, Allogene, Amgen, Bluebird Bio, BMS, Calibr, Caribou, Cowen, EcoR1, Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG), Iovance, Kite Pharma, Janssen, Legend Biotech, Novartis, Sana, Umoja, Pfizer; Data Safety Monitoring Board: Data and Safety Monitoring Board for the NCI Safety Oversight CAR T-cell Therapies Committee. Research Contracts or Grants to my Institution for Service: Kite Pharma (Institutional), Allogene (Institutional), CERo Therapeutics (Institutional), Novartis (Institutional), BlueBird Bio (Institutional), 2SeventyBio (Institutional), BMS (Institutional), National Cancer Institute (R01CA244328 MPI: Locke; P30CA076292 PI: Cleveland), Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Scholar in Clinical Research (PI: Locke); Patents, Royalties, Other Intellectual Property: Several patents held by the institution in my name (unlicensed) in the field of cellular immunotherapy; Education or Editorial Activity: Aptitude Health, ASH, BioPharma Communications CARE Education, Clinical Care Options Oncology, Imedex, Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer S.R.: Honoraria: BMs, Jansssen; Consulting or Advisory Role: Genentech; Research Funding: Janssen, C4 therapeutics, Gracell, Heidelberg Pharma; J.K.: Consulting or Advisory Role: Janssen Oncology; Honoraria: GPCR therapeutics; Y.L.: Consulting or Advisory role: Kite/Gilead, BMS, Vineti, Janssen Oncology, Pfizer; Sanofi, NexImmune, Caribou biosciences, Regeneron, Genentech, Fosun Kite, Chimeric Therapeutics, Adicet Bio, Nektar; Research Funding: Janssen Oncoloyg, BMS, Merck, Takeda, Boston Scientific, Kite/Gilead, Bluebird Bio; K.K.P.: Consulting or Advisory Role: Celgene, BMS, Janssen, Pfizer, Arcellx, Karyopharm Therapeutics, Merck, Cellectis, Caribou Biosciences, Takeda, Abbvie, Travel, Accomodation, Expenses: BMS; Research funding: Celgene/BMs, Takeda, Janssen, Cellectis, Nektar, Abbvie/Genentech, Precision Biosciences, Allogene Therapeutics; S.K.: Consulting or Advisory Role: Takeda, Janssen Oncology, Genentech/Rocher, Abbvie, BMS/Celgene, Pfizer, Regeneron, Sanofi, K36 Therapeutics; travel, accomodation and expenses: Abbvie, pfizer; Research funding: Takeda, Abbvie, Novartis, Sanofi, Janssen Oncology, MedImmune, Roche/Genentech, CARsgen Therapeutics, Allogene Therapeutics, GSK, Regeneron, BMS/Celgene; D.K.H.: Research funding from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Karyopharm, and Adaptive Biotech; Consulting or advisory role for Bristol-Myers Squibb, Janssen, Pfizer, and Karyopharm. D.K.H is also supported by the Pentecost Family Myeloma Research Center.
: <b>S.Z., O.P, R.G., D.D. G.K, M.H, P.F, C.W.A.L-C.</b>: no relevant disclosures. <b>S.S.</b>: Consulting or advisory role for Janssen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Legend, Magenta Therapeutics, Sanofi, Pfizer, Takeda, Kite, Abbvie and Regeneron; Research funding from Janssen, Magenta Therapeutics, Allogene Therapeutics, Novartis and Bristol-Myers Squibb; <b>L.S.</b>: Consulting or Advisory role for Janssen Oncology; <b>O.C.P.</b>: Consulting or Advisory role for BMS/Celgene/Juno, Legend Biotech; <b>A.A.</b>: Consulting or Advisory role for BMS, Karyopharm, Research funding from Abbvie, Adaptive biotechnologies; <b>J.A.D.</b>: consultancy for Janssen; <b>H.H</b>.; Consulting or Advisory role for Sanofi, BMS/Celgene, Janssen; speaker’s bureau: Janssen, Karyopharm, Amgen; <b>D.S</b>.: Consulting or Advisory role for Sanofi, GSK, BMS/Celgene, Janssen, Abbvie, Pfizer, Arcellx, BiolineRx, Astrazeneca, research funding from Pfizer; <b>L.D.A. Jr</b>: consulting or advisory board role for Janssen, Celgene, Bristol Myers Squibb, Amgen, GlaxoSmithKline, AbbVie, BeiGene, Cellectar, Sanofi, Karyopharm, Oncopeptides, and Prothena. <b>J.M</b>: Honoraria: Kite, a Gilead company, AlloVir, Magenta Therapeutics, Nektar, Sana Biotechnology; Consulting or Advisory Role: Kite, a Gilead company, Juno Therapeutics, AlloVir, Magenta Therapeutics, EcoR1 Capital, CRISPR therapeutics; Speakers’ Bureau: Kite/Gilead; Research Funding: Novartis (Inst), Fresenius Biotech (Inst), Astellas Pharma (Inst), Bellicum Pharmaceuticals (Inst), Novartis (Inst), Gamida Cell (Inst), Pluristem Therapeutics (Inst), Kite, a Gilead company (Inst), AlloVir (Inst); Travel, Accommodations, Expenses: Kite, a Gilead company; <b>A.R.</b>: consultant for Sanofi, BMS, Janssen, and Adaptive. C.R. is a consultant for Janssen, BMS, Takeda, Sanofi, and Artiva; <b>C.L.F</b>: honoraria and consulting- Bristol Myers Squibb, Seattle Genetics, Celgene, AbbVie, Sanofi, Incyte, Amgen, ONK Therapeutics & Janssen; and research funding from Bristol Myers Squibb, Janssen, and Roche/Genentech; <b>F.L.L.</b>: Scientific Advisory Role/Consulting Fees: A2, Allogene, Amgen, Bluebird Bio, BMS, Calibr, Caribou, Cowen, EcoR1, Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG), Iovance, Kite Pharma, Janssen, Legend Biotech, Novartis, Sana, Umoja, Pfizer; Data Safety Monitoring Board: Data and Safety Monitoring Board for the NCI Safety Oversight CAR T-cell Therapies Committee. Research Contracts or Grants to my Institution for Service: Kite Pharma (Institutional), Allogene (Institutional), CERo Therapeutics (Institutional), Novartis (Institutional), BlueBird Bio (Institutional), 2SeventyBio (Institutional), BMS (Institutional), National Cancer Institute (R01CA244328 MPI: Locke; P30CA076292 PI: Cleveland), Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Scholar in Clinical Research (PI: Locke); Patents, Royalties, Other Intellectual Property: Several patents held by the institution in my name (unlicensed) in the field of cellular immunotherapy; Education or Editorial Activity: Aptitude Health, ASH, BioPharma Communications CARE Education, Clinical Care Options Oncology, Imedex, Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer <b>S.R.</b>: Honoraria: BMs, Jansssen; Consulting or Advisory Role: Genentech; Research Funding: Janssen, C4 therapeutics, Gracell, Heidelberg Pharma; <b>J.K.</b>: Consulting or Advisory Role: Janssen Oncology; Honoraria: GPCR therapeutics; <b>Y.L.</b>: Consulting or Advisory role: Kite/Gilead, BMS, Vineti, Janssen Oncology, Pfizer; Sanofi, NexImmune, Caribou biosciences, Regeneron, Genentech, Fosun Kite, Chimeric Therapeutics, Adicet Bio, Nektar; Research Funding: Janssen Oncoloyg, BMS, Merck, Takeda, Boston Scientific, Kite/Gilead, Bluebird Bio; <b>K.K.P.</b>: Consulting or Advisory Role: Celgene, BMS, Janssen, Pfizer, Arcellx, Karyopharm Therapeutics, Merck, Cellectis, Caribou Biosciences, Takeda, Abbvie, Travel, Accomodation, Expenses: BMS; Research funding: Celgene/BMs, Takeda, Janssen, Cellectis, Nektar, Abbvie/Genentech, Precision Biosciences, Allogene Therapeutics; <b>S.K.</b>: Consulting or Advisory Role: Takeda, Janssen Oncology, Genentech/Rocher, Abbvie, BMS/Celgene, Pfizer, Regeneron, Sanofi, K36 Therapeutics; travel, accomodation and expenses: Abbvie, pfizer; Research funding: Takeda, Abbvie, Novartis, Sanofi, Janssen Oncology, MedImmune, Roche/Genentech, CARsgen Therapeutics, Allogene Therapeutics, GSK, Regeneron, BMS/Celgene; <b>D.K.H.</b>: Research funding from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Karyopharm, and Adaptive Biotech; Consulting or advisory role for Bristol-Myers Squibb, Janssen, Pfizer, and Karyopharm. D.K.H is also supported by the Pentecost Family Myeloma Research Center.