Colyn, Leticia
Alvarez-Sola, Gloria
Latasa, M. Ujue
Uriarte, Iker
Herranz, Jose M.
Arechederra, Maria
Vlachogiannis, George
Rae, Colin
Pineda-Lucena, Antonio
Casadei-Gardini, Andrea
Pedica, Federica
Aldrighetti, Luca
López-López, Angeles
López-Gonzálvez, Angeles
Barbas, Coral
Ciordia, Sergio
Van Liempd, Sebastiaan M.
Falcón-Pérez, Juan M.
Urman, Jesus
Sangro, Bruno
Vicent, Silve
Iraburu, Maria J.
Prosper, Felipe
Nelson, Leonard J.
Banales, Jesus M.
Martinez-Chantar, Maria Luz
Marin, Jose J. G.
Braconi, Chiara
Trautwein, Christian
Corrales, Fernando J.
Cubero, F. Javier
Berasain, Carmen
Fernandez-Barrena, Maite G.
Avila, Matias A.
Funding for this research was provided by:
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI15/01132, PI18/01075, PI16/01126, FIS PI18/01075, FIS PI21/00922)
Fundación Científica Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (Rare Cancers grant 2017, AECC Postdoctoral Fellowship)
Gobierno de Navarra (58/17)
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Klinische Forschung, Universitätsklinikum Aachen (#691405)
Sonderforschungsbereiche Transregio (57)
Sonderforschungsbereiche (SFB) (1382)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (TR283-10/1, TR285/10-2 403224013)
Deutsche Krebshilfe (70113000)
Junta de Castilla y León (SA063P17)
Comunidad de Madrid (EXOHEP-CM S2017/BMD-3727, NanoLiver-CM Y2018/NMT-4949)
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PID2019-104878RB-100/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, PID2020-117116RB-100, SAF2014-5491-R, SAF2016-78711, SAF-2017-87301-R, SAF2017-88933-R)
MCIU/AEI/FEDER (RTI2018-095134-B-100)
Eusko Jaurlaritza (IT971-16)
Bio-Eusko Fundazioa (BIO15/CA/011, BIO15/CA/016/BD)
Euskadi RIS3 (2019222054)
Fundación La Caixa (HEPACARE Project, HR17-00601)
ERAB: The European Foundation for Alcohol Research (EA 18/14)
Unión Iberoamericana de Universidades (UCM-25-2019)
Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual
Fundación Echébano
Fundació Mataro TV3 (201916-31)
Fundación Mario Losantos
Fundación M Torres
AMMF: The Cholangiocarcinoma Charity (2018/117, EU/2019/AMMFt/001)
Fundación BBVA (LCR/PR/HP17/52190004)
COST Action Euro-cholangio-Net (CA181122)
Miguel Servet (CPII19/00008)
PSC Partners US and PSC Supports UK (06119JB)
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (825510 ESCALON)
Ramón y Cajal Program (RYC-2014-15242, RYC2018-024475-1)
Article History
Received: 5 April 2022
Accepted: 9 May 2022
First Online: 26 May 2022
: Human iCCA samples were collected at San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy. The study was approved by the local Ethical Committee (approval # 113/INT/2021) in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration. Informed consent was obtained from all patients.For the rat TTA model the experimental protocol was approved and performed according to the guidelines of the Animal Care Committee of the University of Navarra (approval #068–16). Experiments in mice were approved by the (Autonomous Region of Madrid Ethical Committee for Animal Experimentation (approval #PROEX210/18 and 125.1/20).
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.