Saeed, Kordo
Wilson, Darius Cameron
Bloos, Frank
Schuetz, Philipp
van der Does, Yuri
Melander, Olle
Hausfater, Pierre
Legramante, Jacopo M.
Claessens, Yann-Erick
Amin, Deveendra
Rosenqvist, Mari
White, Graham
Mueller, Beat
Limper, Maarten
Callejo, Carlota Clemente
Brandi, Antonella
Macchi, Marc-Alexis
Cortes, Nicholas
Kutz, Alexander
Patka, Peter
Yañez, María Cecilia
Bernardini, Sergio
Beau, Nathalie
Dryden, Matthew
van Gorp, Eric C. M.
Minieri, Marilena
Chan, Louisa
Rood, Pleunie P. M.
del Castillo, Juan Gonzalez
Funding for this research was provided by:
Thermo Fisher (N/A)
Article History
Received: 20 July 2018
Accepted: 18 January 2019
First Online: 8 February 2019
Change Date: 15 July 2019
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: In the publication of this article [1], there are two errors in contributing author affiliations. This has now been included in this correction article.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: The study protocol was approved by the ethics board of each hospital where necessary, and written informed consent was obtained from all patients or their legal representatives where appropriate.
: No individual participant data is reported that would require consent to publish from the participant (or legal parent or guardian for children).
: All authors have provided information on potential conflicts of interests directly or indirectly related to the work submitted in the journal’s disclosure forms. KS received research grant paid to the insitituion from Thermofisher, as well as educational grants and support to attend meetings. PS and BM received research support paid to the Institution from bioMerieux and Thermofisher. AK received support from BRAHMS to attend meetings and fulfilled speaking engagements. PH received Lecture honorarium (ThermoFisher Scientific, Beckman Coulter), Educational support honorarium (bioMérieux) Clinical research grants (ThermoFisher Scientific, bioMérieux). DCW is an employee of BRAHMS GmbH, which holds patent rights on the procalcitonin and mid-regional proadrenomedullin assay. All other authors reported no conflicts of interest.
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