Potere, Nicola
Valeriani, Emanuele http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9729-3214
Candeloro, Matteo
Tana, Marco
Porreca, Ettore
Abbate, Antonio
Spoto, Silvia
Rutjes, Anne W. S.
Di Nisio, Marcello
Article History
Received: 1 May 2020
Accepted: 25 May 2020
First Online: 2 July 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: Not applicable.
: Not applicable.
: NP, EV, MC, MT, EP, AA, SS, and AR have no competing interests. MDN reports personal fees from Bayer, Daiichi Sankyo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Leo Pharma, and Aspen outside the submitted work.