Rüddel, Hendrik
Thomas-Rüddel, Daniel O.
Reinhart, Konrad
Bach, Friedhelm
Gerlach, Herwig
Lindner, Matthias
Marshall, John C.
Simon, Philipp
Weiss, Manfred
Bloos, Frank
Schwarzkopf, Daniel http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1568-8202
Marx, Gernot
Schindler, Achim
Schürholz, Tobias
Schlegel‑Höfner, Heike
Lehmann, Gunther
Sander, Annett
Friese, Steffen
Scholz, Christian
Fischer, Pia
Fuchs, Christina
Becher, Lutz
Salewsky, Norbert
Schreiber, Torsten
Goldmann, Anton
Keh, Didier
Schmid, Katrin
Menning, Winfried
Steuckart, Renate
Barz, Robert
Dey, Karin
Fahrenholz, Meike
Müller, Martin
Gerlach, Herwig
Toussaint, Susanne
Brederlau, Jörg
Bach, Friedhelm
Buschmann, Dirk
Gummelt, Ingo
Hoeschen, J.
Klaproth, Marion
Vedder, Ina
Bachmann‑Holdau, Ulrike
Eiche, Jürgen
Hauschild, Rolf
Lange, Martina
Herrmann‑Karbaum, Davia
Lubasch, Annette
Rücker, Marcus
Icke, Christian
Lucht, Alexander
Meier‑Hellmann, Andreas
Wagner, Jan
Arnold, Olaf
Kästner, Steffen
Clausen, Tobias
Sternkopf, Michael
Voswinckel, Robert
Benndorf, T.
Eiserloh, Christel
Kuhnle, Gerhard
Koch, Mathias
Gerber, Manuela
Gründling, Matthias
Guderian, Liane
Kuhn, Sven‑Olaf
Scheer, Christian
Scheiber, Gerd
Matthäus‑Krämer, Claudia
Poidinger, Bernhard
D’Aria, Stefanie
Lemke, Thees
Michaelsen, Birgit
Schädler, Dirk
Schulz‑Ruhtenberg, Nina
Weiler, Norbert
Anetseder, Martin
Textor, Zoran
Kaisers, Udo
Simon, Philipp
Löbe, Matthias
Meineke, Frank
Pausch, Christine
Engel, Christoph
Braun, Georg
Jensen, Nicole
Gegenfurtner, Werner
Meinhardt, Alexander
Schmitt, Robert
Teichert, Andrea
Becker, Klaus‑Dieter
Diers, Anja
Jelschen, Florian
Weyland, Andreas
Knebel, Frieder
Kupfer, Thomas
Sinz, Rüdinger
Bautz, Petra
Fischer, Annemarie
Seibel, Armin
Fleischhacker, Christoph
Häberle, Helene
Henn, Philipp
Mezger, Friederike
Rosenberger, Peter
Riessen, Reimer
Ziegler, Silvia
Barth, Eberhard
Bracht, Hendrik
Heymann, I.
Hinder, A.
Sens, R.
Weiss, Manfred
Lascho, Christof
Micke, Henriette
Schmidt, Falk
Schilling, Stefanie
Wöbker, Gabriele
Clinical trials referenced in this document:
Documents that mention this clinical trial
A multifaceted educational intervention improved anti-infectious measures but had no effect on mortality in patients with severe sepsis
Adverse effects of delayed antimicrobial treatment and surgical source control in adults with sepsis: results of a planned secondary analysis of a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Funding for this research was provided by:
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (FKZ 01EO1002)
Universitätsklinikum Jena
Article History
Received: 25 October 2021
Accepted: 16 January 2022
First Online: 28 February 2022
: It was approved by the local ethics committees at each participating hospital. The need for informed consent was waived since randomization was performed on the cluster level, and the interventions comprised quality improvement measures. Involved ethical bodies: Ethics committee of the University Hospital Jena (2910-08/10). Ethics committee of the “Ärztekammer Nordrhein” (2010403). Ethics committee of the “Ärztekammer Westfalen-Lippe” (2010-518-b-S). Ethics committee of the “Landesärztekammer Baden-Würtemberg” (B-F-2010-056). Ethics committee of the “Landesärztekammer Bayern” (7/10284). Ethics committee of the “Landesärztekammer Hessen” (MC 245/2010). Ethics committee of the “Landesärztekammer Niedersachsen” (Ar/211/2010). Ethics committee of the “Landesärztekammer Saarland” (195/10). Ethics committee of the “Landesärztekammer Sachsen” (EK-BR-51/10-1). Ethics committee of the Medical Faculty Leipzig (324–10-08112010). Ethics committee of the “Landesärztekammer Sachsen-Anhalt” (33/10). Ethics committee of the “Landesärztekammer Thüringen” (38831/2010/109). Ethics committee of the Medical Faculty Greifswald (BB 129/10). Ethics committee of the Medical Faculty Kiel (B 204/11). Ethics committee of the Medical Faculty Tübingen (556/2010BO2). Ethics committee of the University Ulm (295/10). Ethics committee of the University Witten-Herdecke (90/2010).
: Not applicable.
: Dr. Rüddel has nothing to disclose. Dr. Bloos reports grants from German Federal Ministry of Education and Research to his institution, during and outside the conduct of the study; personal fees from Baxter, outside the submitted work, and receipt of kits for a clinical trial from Assoc. of CapeCods, outside the submitted work. Dr. Thomas-Rüddel reports grants from BMBF to his institution, outside the submitted work..Dr. Reinhart is shareholder with less of 0.5% of InflaRx NV a Jena /Germany based Biotech Company that evaluates a immunmodulatory approach for the adjunctive treatment of COVID-19. Dr. Bach has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gerlach has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lindner has nothing to disclose. Dr. Marshall reports consulting fees from Gilead Pharma, support for traveling to the WHO Covid-19 meeting by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, personal fees from AM Pharma for participation on a data safety monitoring board, being chair of the International Forum for Acute Care Trialists (unpaid), and being co-chair of the WHO Working Group on Clinical Characterization and Management of Covid-19 (unpaid), all outside the submitted work. Dr. Simon has nothing to disclose. Dr. Weiss has nothing to disclose. Dr. Schwarzkopf reports grants from German Federal Ministry of Education and Research to his institution, during the conduct of the study.