Jonkman, A. H.
Warnaar, R. S. P.
Baccinelli, W.
Carbon, N. M.
D’Cruz, R. F.
Doorduin, J.
van Doorn, J. L. M.
Elshof, J.
Estrada-Petrocelli, L.
Graßhoff, J.
Heunks, L. M. A.
Koopman, A. A.
Langer, D.
Moore, C. M.
Nunez Silveira, J. M.
Petersen, E.
Poddighe, D.
Ramsay, M.
Rodrigues, A.
Roesthuis, L. H.
Rossel, A.
Torres, A.
Duiverman, M. L.
Oppersma, E.
Funding for this research was provided by:
the Netherlands eScience Center (NLESC.OEC.2021.010)
Lorentz Center
Article History
Received: 23 October 2023
Accepted: 14 December 2023
First Online: 2 January 2024
: Not applicable.
: Not applicable.
: AJ has received research funding from Pulmotech and ZonMW and in-kind research support from the eScience center, all outside of this work. RDC received consulting fees and payment or honoraria for lectures, presentations, speakers, bureaus, manuscript writing or educational events from Fisher & Paykel, ResMed and AstraZeneca. EP and JG have previously received research funding from Dräger Medical GmbH, Lübeck, Germany, and are listed as a co-inventor on several patents filed by them relating to the subject of this manuscript. LH has performed consultancy for Liberate Medical, received research grants from Liberate Medical, Pulmotech, ZonMW en ERS and is associate editor for the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. MD received research grants from Löwenstein BV (NOCTIVENT trial funded by NWO, with co-funding of Vivisol and Sencure BV), grants and personal fees from Vivisol BV (fee for lecture and NOCTIVENT trial), grants and personal fees from RESMED LtD (fee for lecture AND grant for RECAPTURE trial, NCT03053973), grants and personal fees from Philips BV (RECONSIDER trial funded by the Dutch Lung Foundation with in-kind co-funding of Philips (Longfonds grant nr, registered at NCT02652559) and travel Grant and Fee for lecture by Breas. MD received fee for a lecture from Chiesi, Astra Zeneca, Novartis and a Research grant from Fisher&Paykel (High-TeC trial funded by a public–private partnership of Health-Holland/Dutch Lung Foundation, with co-funding of Fisher and Paykel LtD, and Vivisol BV; registered at NCT03564236). EO received a research grant from NWO with co-funding of Löwenstein BV, Vivisol and Sencure BV. All other authors declared that they have no competing interests.