Rezoagli, Emanuele
Xin, Yi
Signori, Davide
Sun, Wenli
Gerard, Sarah
Delucchi, Kevin L.
Magliocca, Aurora
Vitale, Giovanni
Giacomini, Matteo
Mussoni, Linda
Montomoli, Jonathan
Subert, Matteo
Ponti, Alessandra
Spadaro, Savino
Poli, Giancarla
Casola, Francesco
Herrmann, Jacob
Foti, Giuseppe
Calfee, Carolyn S.
Laffey, John
Bellani, Giacomo
Cereda, Maurizio
Lorini, Ferdinando Luca
Bonaffini, Pietro
Cazzaniga, Matteo
Ottaviani, Irene
Tavola, Mario
Borgo, Asia
Ferraris, Livio
Serra, Filippo
Gatti, Stefano
Ippolito, Davide
Tamagnini, Beatrice
Gatti, Marino
Arlotti, Massimo
Gamberini, Emiliano
Cavagna, Enrico
Galbiati, Giuseppe
De Ponti, Davide
Clinical trials referenced in this document:
Documents that mention this clinical trial
Phenotyping COVID-19 respiratory failure in spontaneously breathing patients with AI on lung CT-scan
Funding for this research was provided by:
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Starting grant 2020)
National Institutes of Health (R35 HL140026, R35 HL140026, R01-HL137389)
Article History
Received: 17 May 2024
Accepted: 25 July 2024
First Online: 5 August 2024
: Favorable judgment for the execution of the study was obtained before data acquisition from the local institutional review board of the coordinating center Fondazione IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori, Monza, Italy (Approval date: 24/04/2020; number 3375) and from the local institutional review board of each enrolled center (Policlinico San Marco, Gruppo Ospedaliero San Donato, Zingonia, Bergamo, Italy; Ospedale Infermi, Rimini, Italy; Ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, Italy; Ospedale Alessandro Manzoni, Lecco, Italy; Arcispedale Sant’Anna, Ferrara, Italy; Ospedale Santa Maria delle Stelle, Melzo, Italy; Istituto Sicureza Sociale, Repubblica di San Marino). The study was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and in agreement with the Italian good clinical practice recommendations (D.M. Sanità del 15/07/97 e s.m.i.) and with the applied healthcare hospital protocols. CIn the presence of technical difficulties related to the emergency health context to obtain an informed consent from patients in that period of pandemic, informed consent was waived. For this reason and for the great public interest of the project, the research was conducted in the context of the authorizations guaranteed by Article 89 of the GDPR EU Regulation 2016/679, which guarantees the treatment for purposes of public interest, scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes of health data. Personal data were handled in compliance with the European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR), the Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments and additions, and any other Italian law applicable to the protection of personal data (henceforth referred to as the “applicable data protection law”).
: No individual person’s data in any form is reported in the manuscript.
: The authors declare no competing interests.