Greathouse, K. Leigh
White, James R.
Vargas, Ashely J.
Bliskovsky, Valery V.
Beck, Jessica A.
von Muhlinen, Natalia
Polley, Eric C.
Bowman, Elise D.
Khan, Mohammed A.
Robles, Ana I.
Cooks, Tomer
Ryan, Bríd M.
Padgett, Noah
Dzutsev, Amiran H.
Trinchieri, Giorgio
Pineda, Marbin A.
Bilke, Sven
Meltzer, Paul S.
Hokenstad, Alexis N.
Stickrod, Tricia M.
Walther-Antonio, Marina R.
Earl, Joshua P.
Mell, Joshua C.
Krol, Jaroslaw E.
Balashov, Sergey V.
Bhat, Archana S.
Ehrlich, Garth D.
Valm, Alex
Deming, Clayton
Conlan, Sean
Oh, Julia
Segre, Julie A.
Harris, Curtis C.
Funding for this research was provided by:
National Cancer Institute (Intramural)
Article History
Received: 19 February 2018
Accepted: 2 August 2018
First Online: 24 August 2018
Change Date: 20 February 2020
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: Following publication of the original paper [1], the authors submitted a new Additional��file��5 to replace the one containing formatting issues. The updated Additional��file��5 is published in this correction.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the NIH and all individuals participating in the NCI-MD case-control study signed informed consents for the collection of biospecimens, personal, and medical information.
: Not applicable.
: James White is a significant shareholder in the company Resphera Insight Inc. All other authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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