Wood, Anna
Emery, Jon D.
Jenkins, Mark
Chondros, Patty
Campbell, Tina
Wenkart, Edweana
O’Reilly, Clare
Cowie, Tony
Dixon, Ian
Toner, Julie
Khalajzadeh, Hourieh
Gutierrez, Javiera Martinez
Govan, Linda
Buckle, Gemma
McIntosh, Jennifer G.
Funding for this research was provided by:
victorian cancer agency (CPRSRG19018)
Article History
Received: 4 August 2021
Accepted: 24 November 2021
First Online: 12 January 2022
: This trial has received Ethics approval from the University of Melbourne General Practice Human Research Ethics Advisory Group on the 29th June 2020. Approval ID: 2057042Ethics amendments have been made to change the method of recruiting general practices to the trial in 2020 from face-to-face meetings to using EMS in accordance with the COVID 19 regulations in Victoria in 2020 [CitationRef removed].All people in the videos in the SMARTscreen SMS have provided consent for their use.
: Each general practice will be required to provide informed written consent for their anonymised deidentified data to be used in the data analysis. All those who consent to participate in interviews also consent for their anonymised deidentified data to be used. In the data analysis. All participants will be informed that the results of this trial will be reported to the Victorian Cancer Agency and the results of the trial will be presented at relevant conferences (National and International) and published in peer-reviewed journals as per the CONSORT guidelines. The trial outcomes will also be disseminated to all participating general practices and interview participants who have identified that they want to be informed of results.All consent forms are available on request.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.