Maus, Irena
Bremges, Andreas
Stolze, Yvonne
Hahnke, Sarah
Cibis, Katharina G.
Koeck, Daniela E.
Kim, Yong S.
Kreubel, Jana
Hassa, Julia
Wibberg, Daniel
Weimann, Aaron
Off, Sandra
Stantscheff, Robbin
Zverlov, Vladimir V.
Schwarz, Wolfgang H.
König, Helmut
Liebl, Wolfgang
Scherer, Paul
McHardy, Alice C.
Sczyrba, Alexander
Klocke, Michael
Pühler, Alfred
Schlüter, Andreas
Funding for this research was provided by:
German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) (FKZ 22017111)
BMBF-funded project ‘Bielefeld-Gießen Center for Microbial Bioinformatics – BiGi (031A533)
The fellowship from the CLIB Graduate Cluster Industrial Biotechnology (GRK 1906/1)