Efficacy, safety and tolerance of imidocarb dipropionate versus atovaquone or buparvaquone plus azithromycin used to treat sick dogs naturally infected with the Babesia microti-like piroplasm
Crossref DOI link: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-017-2049-0
Published Online: 2017-03-13
Published Print: 2017-12
Update policy: https://doi.org/10.1007/springer_crossmark_policy
Checa, Rocío
Montoya, Ana
Ortega, Nieves
González-Fraga, José Luis
Bartolomé, Adrián
Gálvez, Rosa
Marino, Valentina
Miró, Guadalupe
Funding for this research was provided by:
Bayer HealthCare (TC00685704)