Grist, Emily
Friedrich, Stefanie
Brawley, Christopher
Mendes, Larissa
Parry, Marina
Ali, Adnan
Haran, Aine
Hoyle, Alex
Gilson, Claire
Lall, Sharanpreet
Zakka, Leila
Bautista, Carla
Landless, Alex
Nowakowska, Karolina
Wingate, Anna
Wetterskog, Daniel
Hasan, A. M. Mahedi
Akato, Nafisah B.
Richmond, Malissa
Ishaq, Sofeya
Matthews, Nik
Hamid, Anis A.
Sweeney, Christopher J.
Sydes, Matthew R.
Berney, Daniel M.
Lise, Stefano
Parmar, Mahesh K. B.
Clarke, Noel W.
James, Nicholas D.
Cremaschi, Paolo
Brown, Louise C.
Attard, Gerhardt
Funding for this research was provided by:
Prostate Cancer UK (MA-PM16-001, MA-ETMA19-009)
Cancer Research UK (A27436, A22744)
John black charitable foundation
Orchid (BTXG1A1S)
Prostate cancer research (PRJ19GA6957)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (W81XWH-19-PCRP-EIRA PC190530 PAIR)
National Institutes of Health (R01CA238020)
Prostate Cancer Foundation and John Black Charitable Foundation (YIA)
National Institute for Health Research (Funding to the UCL hospital biomedical research)
Bob champion cancer trust
Medical Research Council (MC_UU_12023/25, MC_UU_00004/01)
Article History
Received: 13 January 2022
Accepted: 23 June 2022
First Online: 5 September 2022
: These analyses were performed as part of the STRATOSPHERE (STratification for RAtional Treatment-Oncomarker Pairings of STAMPEDE patients starting long-term Hormone treatment) consortium protocol for molecular studies on tumours collected from patients treated in the STAMPEDE trial, approved by an independent Research Ethics Committee (REC18/LO/1235) and the STAMPEDE Trial Management Group and Trial Steering Committee. All patients signed informed consent to participate and for use of their tissue for research (/REC04/MRE07/35). This research conformed to the principles of the Helsinki Declaration.
: Not applicable.
: MKBP and LCB report grants and non-financial support from Janssen, Astellas, Clovis Oncology, Novartis, Pfizer, and Sanofi. NWC reports personal fees from Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Astellas Pharma, and Bayer. NDJ reports grants and personal fees from Sanofi, Novartis, Janssen, Astellas, and Bayer.GA certifies that all conflicts of interest, including specific financial interests and relationships and affiliations relevant to the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript (e.g., employment/affiliation, grants or funding, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert testimony, royalties, or patents filed, received or pending), are the following:GA reports receiving commercial research grants from Janssen and Astra Zeneca; has received honoraria and/or travel support from the speakers’ bureaus of Janssen, Astellas, Pfizer, Ferring, Sanofi-Aventis and Roche/Ventana; and has served as a consultant for/advisory board member of Janssen, Bayer, Astellas, Pfizer, Novartis, Astra Zeneca, Orion, Essa. GA has an ownership interest (including patents) in The Institute of Cancer Research Rewards to Discoverers for abiraterone acetate.MRS reports grants and non-financial support from Astellas, grants from Clovis, grants and non-financial support from Janssen, grants and non-financial support from Novartis, grants and non-financial support from Pfizer, grants and non-financial support from Sanofi, grants and non-financial support from Sanofi, all to support the underlying STAMPEDE trial. MRS also reports personal fees from Lilly Oncology, personal fees from Janssen, outside the submitted work. AAH reports a consulting/advisory role with AstraZeneca. CJS reports consulting or advisory roles with Sanofi, Janssen, Astellas Pharma, Bayer, Genentech, Pfizer, Lilly and reports research funding from Janssen Biotech, Astellas Pharma, Sanofi, Bayer, Sotio and Dendreon. CJS reports patents, royalties and other intellectual property for Patrhenolide (Indiana University); dimethylaminoparthenolide (Leuchemix); Exelixis: Abiraterone plus cabozantinib combination; FRAS1 SNP and tristetraprolin as biomarkers of lethal prostate cancer. CJS reports stock or other ownership for Leuchemix.The remaining authors declare that they have no competing interests.