Solomon, Daniel H.
Guan, Hongshu
Johansson, Fredrik D.
Santacroce, Leah
Malley, Wendi
Guo, Lin
Litman, Heather
Funding for this research was provided by:
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (P30AR072577-01, P30AR072577-01, P30AR072577-01)
Article History
Received: 31 July 2023
Accepted: 11 October 2023
First Online: 22 November 2023
: CorEvitas registry is reviewed and approved by the Western IRB and all subjects have consented to have their de-identified data used for these types of analyses.All participating investigators were required to obtain full board approval for conducting research involving human subjects. Sponsor approval and continuing review were obtained through a central IRB (New England Independent Review Board, NEIRB No. 120160610). For academic investigative sites that did not receive a waiver to use the central IRB, approval was obtained from the respective governing IRBs and documentation of approval was submitted to the Sponsor prior to initiating any study procedures. All registry subjects were required to provide written informed consent prior to participating.
: All subjects have given consent for publication.
: DHS receives research support through Brigham and Women’s Hospital from CorEvitas, Janssen, Moderna, and Novartis. He also receives royalties for unrelated chapters in UpToDate. HG, LS, and FJ have no conflicts to report. HJL is employee and shareholder of CorEvitas, LLC. WM and LG are employees of CorEvitas, LLC.