Baroni, Lais
Pedroso, Marcel
Barcellos, Christovam
Salles, Rebecca
Salles, Samella
Paixão, Balthazar
Chrispino, Alvaro
Guedes, Gustavo
Ogasawara, Eduardo
Article History
Received: 11 February 2020
Accepted: 25 May 2020
First Online: 3 June 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: The datasets used in this study were provided by the Brazilian Climate and Health Observatory. They were produced by aggregating and anonymizing all personal information of malaria registers contained in the SivepMalaria repository. The Ministry of Health of Brazil is committed to respect the ethical precepts and to guarantee the privacy and reliability of the data.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.