Saka, Bayaki
Teclessou, Julienne Noude
Akakpo, Sefako Abla
Pessinaba, Soulemane
Gnossike, Piham
Mahamadou, Garba
Kassang, Panawé
Mouhari-Toure, Abas
Kombate, Koussake
Pitché, Palokinam
Article History
Received: 22 June 2020
Accepted: 9 September 2020
First Online: 14 September 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: This study was approved by the head of the dermatology department of the Sylvanus Olympio University Hospital (Ref N° 07/2017/DER/CHUSO). We obtained consent from patients that participated in the study. For each respondent, the objectives and benefits of participating in the survey and its conduct were clearly stated, as well as their right to interrupt the interview without justification. An informed consent form signed after the verbal explanation was made by the investigating officer in the language understood by the participant.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.