Gnoth, Kathrin
Piechotta, Anke
Kleinschmidt, Martin
Konrath, Sandra
Schenk, Mathias
Taudte, Nadine
Ramsbeck, Daniel
Rieckmann, Vera
Geissler, Stefanie
Eichentopf, Rico
Barendrecht, Susan
Hartlage-Rübsamen, Maike
Demuth, Hans-Ulrich
Roßner, Steffen
Cynis, Holger
Rahfeld, Jens-Ulrich
Schilling, Stephan
Funding for this research was provided by:
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (#RO 2226/17-1, #SCHI 1437/4-1)
Article History
Received: 7 May 2020
Accepted: 29 October 2020
First Online: 14 November 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: Human brain tissue was provided by the former Brain Banking Centre Leipzig of the German Brain-Net, operated by the Paul Flechsig Institute of Brain Research, Medical Faculty, University of Leipzig. The procedure of case recruitment, the protocols, the informed consent forms, and autopsy have been approved (GZ 01GI9999-01GI0299). The required consent was obtained for all cases.5xFAD mice were purchased from the Jackson Laboratory (Stock 008730) and bred at the animal facilities of Fraunhofer IZI-MWT, Halle (Saale), Germany. The approval number for the animal experiments conducted throughout this work is 42502-2-1369 MLU (Landesverwaltungsamt Halle, Germany).All authors have approved the manuscript for submission and gave consent for publication.
: Not applicable.
: KG, AP, MK, MS, DR, VR, SG, HC, JUR, and SS are employed by Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology. SK, NT, RE, SB, MHR, and HUD declare that they have no competing interests. SR is an advisor for the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology.