Sanchez, Justin S.
Hanseeuw, Bernard J.
Lopera, Francisco
Sperling, Reisa A.
Baena, Ana
Bocanegra, Yamile
Aguillon, David
Guzmán-Vélez, Edmarie
Pardilla-Delgado, Enmanuelle
Ramirez-Gomez, Liliana
Vila-Castelar, Clara
Martinez, Jairo E.
Fox-Fuller, Joshua T.
Ramos, Claudia
Ochoa-Escudero, Martin
Alvarez, Sergio
Jacobs, Heidi I. L.
Schultz, Aaron P.
Gatchel, Jennifer R.
Becker, J. Alex
Katz, Samantha R.
Mayblyum, Danielle V.
Price, Julie C.
Reiman, Eric M.
Johnson, Keith A.
Quiroz, Yakeel T.
Funding for this research was provided by:
NIH Office of the Director (DP5OD019833)
National Institute on Aging (R01AG054671, R01AG062559, 1F31AG062158-01A1, AG058805-01, R01 AG031581, P30 AG19610, P01AG036694, P50AG005134, 2009-2020, and U19 AG10483)
Alzheimer's Association
Massachusetts General Hospital ECOR (1200-228010 and 1200-228767)
Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (111565741185)
Alzheimer's Association (AACF_16-440965)
BrightFocus Foundation (ADRF A2016434F)
Massachusetts General Hospital (Rappaport Fellowship)
Banner Alzheimer’s Foundation
NOMIS Foundation
National Institute on Aging (R01 AG027435, AG036694, R01 AG046396, R13 AG042201174210, and U01AG024904)
Josephine and John Marr Alzheimer's Research Fund
Article History
Received: 5 October 2020
Accepted: 26 December 2020
First Online: 15 January 2021
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: Ethics approval for this study was obtained from the University of Antioquia (Colombia) Ethics Committee and the Partners Human Research Institutional Review Board (Boston, US). Participants provided written informed consent before enrollment into the study.
: Not applicable.
: Dr. Reiman reports receiving personal fees as a Scientific Advisor to Roche Diagnostics (travel expenses only), MagQ, Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, and is a share-holding co-founder of ALZPath, outside the submitted work. In addition, he is the inventor of a patent issued to Banner Health, which involves the use of biomarker endpoints in at-risk persons to accelerate the evaluation of Alzheimer’s disease prevention therapies and is outside the submitted work. Drs. Reiman and Lopera are principal investigators of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative (API) Autosomal Dominant AD Trial, which is supported by NIA, philanthropy, Genentech, and Roche. Dr. Sperling is a site principal investigator or coinvestigator for Avid, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer, and Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy clinical trials. She receives travel funding and honoraria from AC Immune, Janssen, and Roche. She consults for Biogen, Roche, AC Immune, Eisai, Takeda, Neurocentria, and Janssen. Spouse consults for Novartis, AC Immune, and Janssen. Dr. Johnson has provided consulting services for Novartis, Biogen, and Eli Lilly. All other co-authors have no competing interests or disclosures relevant to the manuscript.