Nitahara-Kasahara, Yuko
Nakayama, Soya
Kimura, Koichi
Yamaguchi, Sho
Kakiuchi, Yuko
Nito, Chikako
Hayashi, Masahiro
Nakaishi, Tomoyuki
Ueda, Yasuyoshi
Okada, Takashi
Funding for this research was provided by:
Newly extended TEchnology transfer Program (JPMJTT14N3)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS KAKENHI #22K06921)
Article History
Received: 5 June 2022
Accepted: 13 April 2023
First Online: 27 April 2023
: Solation and culture of human amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cells: Human AMSCs were collected from patients. The patients were informed and provided written informed consent prior to collection of tissue samples as approved by the Ethics Committee of Kaneka Corporation (“Study to develop of amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cell products”, Approval #: 2019-9. May 27, 2019). All in vitro experiments using hAMSCs were approved by the Ethics Committee of Kaneka Corporation (“Study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cells using human blood”, Approval #: 2019-5. May 27, 2019; Approval #: 2020–11. June 15, 2020; “Study to develop of amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cell products”, Approval #: 2019–9. May 27, 2019; 2020–6. June 15, 2020), the Ethics Committee of Nippon Medical School (“Evaluation of therapeutic efficacy of human-derived mesenchymal stem cells using animal models of disease”, Approval #: 30-04. July 30, 2018; Approval #: A-2020-024. December 7, 2020), and by the Ethics Committee of the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo (“Experimental investigation of the therapeutic efficacy of human-derived mesenchymal stem cells using animal models of disease”, Approval #:2020-8-0521. May 21, 2020). Animal experiments using hAMSCs were approved by the Animal Experiment Committee of the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo (“Fundamental research for the development of gene and cell therapy”, Approval #:PA4-27. April 1, 2021; Approval #:PA20-24. December 16, 2022) and conducted in accordance with the protocol approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Nippon Medical School (“Fundamental research for the development of gene and cell therapy using viral vectors”, Approval #:27-199. April 1, 2018.; June 19, 2019; “Fundamental research for the development of cellular gene therapy using mesenchymal stem cells”, Approval #:2020-076. April 10, 2020; Approval #:2021-014. April 1, 2021).
: Not applicable.
: Y. N-K. and T. O. were members of the Division of Cell and Gene Therapy, Nippon Medical School, which is an endowment department supported with a grant from Kaneka Corporation. hAMSCs were provided by Kaneka Corporation. M. H, T. N, and Y. U. planned experiments, S. N. and M. H. performed in vitro experiments and analyzed the data, and S. Y. assisted in sampling of mice, as employers of Kaneka Corporation.