Luz, Mariana
Brandão Barreto, Bruna
de Castro, Roberta Esteves Vieira
Salluh, Jorge
Dal-Pizzol, Felipe
Araujo, Caio
De Jong, Audrey
Chanques, Gérald
Myatra, Sheila Nainan
Tobar, Eduardo
Gimenez-Esparza Vich, Carolina
Carini, Federico
Ely, Eugene Wesley
Stollings, Joanna L.
Drumright, Kelly
Kress, John
Povoa, Pedro
Shehabi, Yahya
Mphandi, Wilson
Gusmao-Flores, Dimitri
Article History
Received: 6 December 2021
Accepted: 16 January 2022
First Online: 4 February 2022
: The survey did not contain data that could identify respondents. The Institutional Review Board of the <i>Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense</i>, Santa Catarina, Brazil (the main institution for the study) approved it (ID 3.542.658). Written informed consent containing the purpose of the study, survey duration and researchers’ identification was obtained from all the participants in the first page of the questionaries. All respondents who took the questionnaire agreed to participate.
: Not applicable.
: None.