Cholley, Bernard
Bojan, Mirela
Guillon, Benoit
Besnier, Emmanuel
Mattei, Mathieu
Levy, Bruno
Ouattara, Alexandre
Tafer, Nadir
Delmas, Clément
Tonon, David
Rozec, Bertrand
Fellahi, Jean-Luc
Lim, Pascal
Labaste, François
Roubille, François
Caruba, Thibaut
Mauriat, Philippe
Barbot, Olivier
Laurent, Berthomieu
Besselat, Anne-Marie
Katrien, Blanchart
Bougle, Adrien
Bourgoin, Pierre
Arnaud, Causeret
Charbonneau, Hélène
Cristinar, Mircea
Desebbe, Olivier
Eljezi, Veldat
Genet, Thibaud
Grenier, Maxime
Guinot, Pierre Grégoire
Lebel, Stéphane
Levy, Yael
Lion, François
Mansourati, Jacques
Marlière, Stéphanie
Martin, Anne-Céline
Mebazaa, Alexandre
Mohammad, Usman
Monsegu, Jacques
Nessler, Nicolas
Orsel, Isabelle
Puymirat, Etienne
Recher, Morgan
Soussi, Sabri
Troussard, Vincent
Uhry, Sabrina
Zirphile, Xavier
Funding for this research was provided by:
Orionin Tutkimussäätiö
Article History
Received: 24 March 2023
Accepted: 11 July 2023
First Online: 8 August 2023
Change Date: 29 September 2023
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: A Correction to this paper has been published:
Change Details:
: The study protocol was approved by the French Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) on October 22, 2018 (#DEMSP/SEM/AA/MPi/JT/18.0226). All patients receiving levosimendan were eligible for inclusion, after a written informed consent had been signed by themselves or by a next of kin. The French National Committee for Informatics and Liberty approved the data collection and storage for the France-LEVO registry (CNIL, authorization 2215621, October 29th, 2019), and the cohort was registered on The French Health Data Hub (IO222141202020, January 14th, 2020) and on Clinical Trials (NCT04252404, January 31st, 2020) prior to enrolment. The investigation conformed with the principles outlined in the <i>Declaration of Helsinki.</i>
: NA.
: Bernard Cholley, Bruno Levy, Alexandre Ouattara, Jean-Luc Fellahi, and Thibaut Caruba are part of an advisory board for Orion Pharma in charge of designing and coordinating the FRANCE LEVO registry, at the request of the French Haute Autorité de Santé. Philippe Mauriat is a consultant for Orion Pharma.