Laermans, Jorien
Van Remoortel, Hans
Avau, Bert
Bekkering, Geertruida
Georgsen, Jørgen
Manzini, Paola Maria
Meybohm, Patrick
Ozier, Yves
De Buck, Emmy
Compernolle, Veerle
Vandekerckhove, Philippe
Funding for this research was provided by:
European Blood Alliance (Not applicable)
Foundation for Scientific Research of the Belgian Red Cross (Not applicable)
Article History
Received: 23 September 2021
Accepted: 25 September 2022
First Online: 17 October 2022
: Not applicable.
: Not applicable.
: Financial competing interests directly related to this review: PMM received personal fees from Ethos Srl (Advisory Board on PBM) and SUMMEET Srl (Speaker in a meeting on PBM). PM received grants from Vifor Pharma, SerumWerke Bernburg, csl Behring, Fresenius Medical, and B.Baun. PM received personal fees from Vifor Pharma and Pharmacosmos. HV, JL, BA, EDB, GB, JG, VC, YO, and PV declared not having any relevant direct financial competing interest.Financial competing interests not directly related to this review: HV, JL, BA, EDB, VC, and PV are employees of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders, which is responsible for supplying adequate quantities of safe blood products to hospitals in Flanders and Brussels on a continuous basis and is being paid for this activity by the Ministry of Social Affairs. Belgian Red Cross-Flanders received a grant from the European Blood Alliance to conduct this review. PMM received personal fees from Editree Srl (creation of training course on porphyria), Eleuthera Srl (AHP Advisory Board), Collage SpA (speaker in a meeting on Erythrocytosis), IQVIA (Advisory Board on porphyria), and Alnylam (Advisory Board on porphyria). GB, JG, PM, and YO declared not having any other financial competing interest.Non-financial competing interests: JL, HVR, BA, GB, PMM, YO, EDB, VC, and PV declared not having any non-financial competing interests. PM declared to be involved in the implementation of PBM programs. JG declared to be involved in The Danish Health Authority-National Clinical Guideline-Indication for Transfusion with Blood Components-Copenhagen 2018 ().