Dittmann, Kathleen http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9596-1530
Schmidt, Thomas
Müller, Gerald
Cuny, Christiane
Holtfreter, Silva
Troitzsch, Daniel
Pfaff, Peter
Hübner, Nils-Olaf
Article History
Received: 6 March 2019
Accepted: 17 July 2019
First Online: 22 July 2019
Change Date: 20 November 2019
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: The original article [1] contains an error in Fig. 1 whereby sub-figures 1B, 1C & 1D contain the wrong scale on the x-axis. The correct sub-figures are located ahead in this Correction article and should be considered instead.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: For used human samples of the HICARE Study ethical approval from the ethics committee of University Medicine of Greifswald (BB 07/12, BB 111/12) was sought. For the other human samples with the clonal complex CC398 ethical approval from the ethics committee of the medical faculty of University Magdeburg (# 47/09) was sought. For the remaining human samples ethical approval was not nessesary because this samples were transmittal of clinic-diagnostic laboratories.
: Not applicable.
: Peter Pfaff is an employee of BBraun AG GmbH (Melsungen, Germany). The antiseptic compounds CHX and PHMB are part of some of the products of BBraun AG GmbH. The other authors declare that they have no competing interests. None of the authors holds stock or options in BBraun AG GmbH.