Davis, Alicia http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1347-7708
Lembo, Tiziana
Laurie, Emma
Mutua, Edna
Loosli, Kathrin
Nthambi, Mary
Nimegeer, Amy
Mnzava, Kunda
Msoka, Elizabeth F.
Nasuwa, Fortunata
Melubo, Matayo
Shirima, Gabriel
Matthews, Louise
Hilton, Shona
Mshana, Stephen E.
Mmbaga, Blandina T.
Funding for this research was provided by:
Medical Research Council (MRC/AMR/MR/S004812/1, MC_UU_12017/14, SPHSU14, MC_UU_12017/15)
Article History
Received: 26 March 2021
Accepted: 23 January 2022
First Online: 14 February 2022
: The study received approval from the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College Ethics Review committee with certificate n. 2408 and the Catholic University Health and Allied Sciences committee with certificate n. CREC/318/2018; National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Tanzania, with Reference Number NIMR/HQ/R.8a/Vol. IX/3017; Tanzanian Commission for Science and Technology (Davis, permit n. 2020–335-NA-2019–205; Lembo, permit n. 2020–333-NA-2019–205; Laurie, permit n. 2020–332-NA-2019–205; Mutua, permit n. 2020–334-NA-2019–205; Nthambi, permit n. 2020–336-NA-2019–205; Matthews, permit n. 2019–482-NA-2019–205; and Hilton, permit n. 2019–476-NA-2019–205); and College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences ethics committee at the University of Glasgow (project application number 200180046). Permission for research in communities was obtained from relevant local and district authorities. All participants were explained study objectives and written and/or verbal informed consent was obtained. Verbal consent was utilised instead of written consent with participants who were unable to write. Informed consent forms and participant information sheets were approved by all ethics panels.
: Consent for publication was included in the informed consent forms and participant information sheets approved by all ethics panels. All data used has been anonymised. No identifying/individual information is used in this paper.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.