Dal Negro, Roberto W.
Bonadiman, Luca
Turco, Paola
Article History
Received: 29 March 2018
Accepted: 10 May 2018
First Online: 15 June 2018
Change Date: 24 July 2018
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: After publication of the Original research article [1] it was brought to our attention that the sentence at pag 6 (between Figure 3 and Figure 4)) must be corrected as follows: “The mean duration of inactivity was 2.88 (0.63) at baseline; 1.53 (0.27) after 3; 1.40 (0.27) after 6, and 1.45 days (0.58) after twelve months (Anova: p = 0.11) in group A, while the corresponding duration in group B was 3.35 (0.63) at baseline; 0.60 (0.19) after 3; 1.10 (0.21) after 6, and 0.83 days (0.39) after 12 months (Anova; p <0.001), respectively.”
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: The study was approved by the R&CG Ethical Commettee during the session officially held on January 11Superscript removed, 2016.The consent to partecipate is not applicable as data were obtained automatically and anonymously from the institutional, UNI EN ISO 9001–2008 validated database, and the classic Boolean algebraic formula were used for selections.
: Not applicable as data were obtained automatically and anonymously from the institutional, UNI EN ISO 9001–2008 validated database, and the classic Boolean algebraic formula were used for selections.
: The authors declare no competing interests. RWD is Associate Editor of Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine.
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