Weng, Hui-Ching
Chang, Sheng-Mao
Hsu, Jason C.
Yang, Yung-Ning
Lin, Chung-Ying
Funding for this research was provided by:
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 105-2420-H-006-007-MY2)
Article History
Received: 11 March 2023
Accepted: 23 June 2023
First Online: 3 July 2023
: This study was exempted from the Human Research Ethics Committee at National Cheng Kung University. The citation sources is as follows: Ying-hwa Chang (2016). 2011 Taiwan Social Change Survey (Round 6, Year 2): Health (C00222_2) [CitationRef removed]. Available from Survey Research Data Archive, Academia Sinica. ExternalRef removed
: We confirm that the manuscript has been read and approved by all named authors and that there are no other persons who satisfied the criteria for authorship but are not listed. We further confirm that the order of authors listed in the manuscript has been approved by all of us. We confirm that we have given due consideration to the protection of intellectual property associated with this work and that there are no impediments to publication, including the timing of publication, with respect to intellectual property. In so doing we confirm that we have followed the regulations of our institutions concerning intellectual property.
: The authors have no competing interests in this article.