Bush, Rachel http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0774-6142
Russell, Alex M. T.
Staiger, Petra K.
Waling, Andrea
Dowling, Nicki A.
Funding for this research was provided by:
Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation (CD/18/658099)
Article History
Received: 5 November 2020
Accepted: 24 May 2021
First Online: 29 June 2021
: Ethics approval was obtained from the Deakin University Human Research Ethics Committee on January 8, 2019 (reference number: 2018-366). All participants provided their consent to participate in the study by checking a box to indicate their consent on the home page of the online survey.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests to declare in relation to this article. The three-year conflict of interest statement for this research team is as follows: RB has received funding from the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation. NAD and AMTR have received funding from multiple sources, including government departments and the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation (through hypothecated taxes from gambling revenue). NAD has also received funding from the National Association for Gambling Studies (NAGS), a not-for-profit organisation with individual members across all stakeholder groups, which derives its funding from member fees and conference proceeds. NAD is the recipient of a Deakin University Faculty of Health Mid-Career Fellowship. PKS is a recipient of grants from a variety of government and not-for-profit organisations. AW is a recipient of an Australian Research Council Early Career Researcher Award, and an Australian Research Council Discovery Project, as well as has received funding from a variety of government and not-for-profit organisations. None of the authors have not knowingly received research funding from the gambling industry or any industry-sponsored organization.