Article History
Received: 26 February 2017
Accepted: 4 July 2018
First Online: 11 July 2018
Authors’ information
: Werner Balderer was from 1986 to 2010 Lecturer of Isotope Hydrogeology, and General Hydrogeology at ETH Zurich, his research interests include Mineral and Thermal water and research on Natural fluorescence of groundwater as proxi of tectonic activity.Matthias Mäder holds a Bachelor of Earth Sciences degree from ETH Zurich with a major in geophysics.Matthias is a current Master student in Petroleum Engineering & Geosciences at TU Delft, Netherlands. His research interests includes the understanding of pre-earthquake phenomena and petroleum geology.
: ‘Not applicable’.
: According to the ETH Zurich the bachelor thesis and its publication belongs to the personal property right of the students of Bachelor degree from ETH Zurich.
: All the authors have no competing interests in the research subject of this publication. No one is working in industries or has ties to such in the domain of the published research. Therefore, no financial and non-financial competing interests exist.
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