Müller-Heupt, Lena Katharina https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8259-3959
Schiegnitz, Eik
Kaya, Sebahat
Jacobi-Gresser, Elisabeth
Kämmerer, Peer Wolfgang
Al-Nawas, Bilal
Article History
Received: 22 March 2022
Accepted: 30 June 2022
First Online: 11 July 2022
: All authors confirm consent for publication.
: There are no commercial or other associations that might create a duality of interests in connection with the review. Lena Katharina Müller-Heupt declares that she has no conflict of interest. Eik Schiegnitz reports lectures, personal fees, and/or grants from Dentsply, Geistlich, Medartis, Septodont, and Straumann not related to the present work. Sebahat Kaya declares no conflict of interest. Elisabeth Jacobi-Gresser declares no conflict of interest. Peer Wolfgang Kämmerer declares no conflict of interest. Bilal Al-Nawas reports lectures, personal fees, and/or grants from Camlog, Dentsply, Geistlich, Medartis, Straumann, and Zimmer not related to the present work.