Kotisalmi, Emma
Hakulinen, Auli
Mäkelä, Mika
Toppila-Salmi, Sanna
Kauppi, Paula
Funding for this research was provided by:
Suomen Tuberkuloosin Vastustamisyhdistyksen Säätiö
Ida Montinin Säätiö (20190024)
Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District evo funding
Article History
Received: 23 February 2020
Accepted: 17 April 2020
First Online: 13 May 2020
Change Date: 2 October 2020
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: A research approval was obtained from the research board of Helsinki University Hospital, Skin and Allergy Hospital before the research was started (approval number HUS/27/2019). Since this was a retrospective study, no approval from the ethics committee was required.
: Since this was a retrospective study where the data was collected from electronic medical records, no patient consent form was required.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests concerning this work. Outside this work, Emma Kotisalmi has received a personal fee from the Finnish doctors’ society Duodecim for a manuscript and an abroad congress fee from Orion Pharma. Outside this work, Paula Kauppi has received personal fees from Novartis, TEVA, and GSK for lecturing, personal fees from Sanofi and The Finnish Work Environment Fund for consultancy and a personal fee from Fimea for a manuscript. Outside this work, Sanna Toppila-Salmi has received personal fees from Mylan Laboratories Ltd., Biomedical systems Ltd., Roche Products Ltd., Sanofi Pharma Ltd. and Novartis Investments for consultancy.