Munoz-Plaza, Corrine
Pounds, Dana
Davis, Anna
Park, Stacy
Sallis, Robert
Romero, Manuel G.
Sharp, Adam L.
Funding for this research was provided by:
Kaiser Permanente
National Basketball Association
Article History
Received: 17 September 2020
Accepted: 12 May 2021
First Online: 21 May 2021
: We received Institutional Review Board approval from Kaiser Permanente Southern California. In addition, we followed all the required policies and procedures for the involvement and compensation of student athletes from the school district, including completion of background checks by study staff and parental consent for all youth participation. The interviews and focus groups discussing current practices and beliefs regarding warm-ups and lower extremity injuries in basketball posed limited or no risk to the study participants, and the study was approved under an expedited review.
: Not applicable
: The authors, Corrine Munoz-Plaza, Dana Pounds, Anna Davis, Stacy Park, Robert Sallis, Manual Romero, and Adam Sharp, declare that they have no competing interests.