Petkovic, Jennifer
Magwood, Olivia
Lytvyn, Lyubov
Khabsa, Joanne
Concannon, Thomas W.
Welch, Vivian
Todhunter-Brown, Alex
Palm, Marisha E.
Akl, Elie A.
Mbuagbaw, Lawrence
Arayssi, Thurayya
Avey, Marc T.
Marusic, Ana
Morley, Richard
Saginur, Michael
Slingers, Nevilene
Texeira, Ligia
Ben Brahem, Asma
Bhaumik, Soumyadeep
Bou Akl, Imad
Crowe, Sally
Dormer, Laura
Ekanem, Comfort
Lang, Eddy
Kianzad, Behrang
Kuchenmüller, Tanja
Moja, Lorenzo
Pottie, Kevin
Schünemann, Holger
Tugwell, Peter
Article History
Received: 26 October 2022
Accepted: 4 April 2023
First Online: 28 April 2023
: Not applicable.
: Not applicable.
: PT is funded by the Canada Research Chair Program. VW and PT are co-principal investigators on the CIHR grant which funds this project. TC is the recipient of grants or contracts from: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/NIOSH; National Institutes of Health/NCATS; Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute; National Evaluation System for health Technology; Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation and has 100 shares of Moderna, Inc. Other authors have nothing to declare.