Uddin, Md. Borhan
Article History
First Online: 23 August 2022
: This article is the outcome of author’s M.Phil. research under the Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Admitting in the M.Phil. Program under the Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka by maintaining all academic standard procedures necessarily indicates ethical clearance to conduct research. Here, process is — students can admit into the program once their research proposal and protocol is found sound by the board of review committee and then approval for admission is given. Though, no ethical approval letter is provided from the university to research degree candidate.The study was conducted in very remote areas. Consent was taken from the study participants in oral form. Because, many rural people do not prefer and able to sign in consent paper. Here, informed consent from was used. Consent form was read out in case of illiterate person, and conversation started once participants agreed. Participants were explained about the purpose of the study, why their voice is important, and how their opinion/ speech/ words would be used in various platform. They were assured that their names will not be used in any stage of the research. Research report, findings and articles generated from the fieldwork, will also be shared with them or they will have access to this kind of outcomes.
: Not applicable.