Sebastian, Alwin
van der Geest, Kornelis S. M.
Coath, Fiona
Gondo, Prisca
Kayani, Abdul
Mackerness, Craig
Hadebe, Bernard
Innes, Sue
Jackson, Jo
Dasgupta, Bhaskar
Funding for this research was provided by:
Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (321666)
Article History
Received: 18 February 2020
Accepted: 3 May 2020
First Online: 18 August 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: The research protocol has been approved by the National Health Services Health Research Authority (IRAS# 264294), Research Ethics Committee- London Stanmore (REC# 19/LO/1375) and University of Essex research committee (ETH1920–0145).On the day of the study, patients attending the GCA FTC will be provided with information in relation to the study and will be invited to volunteer for the study. Written consent will be obtained from each participant prior to commencing the initial screening interview. Participants will be provided with study information again at this point and encouraged to ask any specific questions from the researchers. Participants will be advised that they can opt-out of the study at any stage.Participants who are invited to attend follow up appointments for the study will again be required to provide informed verbal and written consent at the beginning of this research phase. Verbal consent will continually be obtained at the beginning of each sub-phase and participants will be reminded of the voluntary nature of their participation.
: Not applicable.
: KSMvdG reports grants from the Mandema Stipend and the Dutch Society for Rheumatology, and personal fees from Roche, outside the submitted work.The other authors declare that they have no competing interests.