Article History
Received: 8 August 2022
Accepted: 23 September 2022
First Online: 3 October 2022
: Wake Forest University Health Sciences IRB Ethical Statement IRB00073602. This research study qualifies for expedited review under the Federal Regulations (45CFR46.110). These regulations allow an IRB to approve certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk to human subjects. The risks of harm anticipated in the proposed research are not greater than those ordinarily encountered by the general population in daily life or during the performance of routine physical, laboratory, or psychological examinations or tests (45CFR46.102(i)). Upon review of the research, the IRB finds that this study is classified as Expedited Category 5. This research meets the criteria for a waiver of consent entirely according to 45 CFR 46(d). This research meets the criteria for a waiver of HIPAA authorization according to 45 CFR 164.512.
: No identifiable images or other personal/clinical details of participants that would compromise anonymity were used in the creation of the figures/tables in this manuscript nor in the writing of the manuscript. Consent to publish is not applicable.
: All authors have no competing interests to disclose.