Malik, Mustafa
Javed, Sarfaraz
Article History
Received: 21 May 2021
Accepted: 25 July 2021
First Online: 4 August 2021
: This study received the ethical approval from the Human Ethics Committee in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Graduate Studies, Research and International Relations, University of Nizwa through its letter (EC Ref. No.: HREC-12-2020) on 17 November 2020. The online survey questionnaire used for this study contained an introduction which explained the purpose and objectives of the study and asked the respondents to complete the survey voluntarily. Since the survey was conducted online, the respondents’ consent was sought through a declaration made at the end of the introduction to the survey on the first page of the questionnaire. Respondents could proceed to the next page of the questionnaire only if they have accepted to participate in the survey.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.