Ioannou, Stephanie
Sutherland, Kyle
Sussman, Daniel A.
Deshpande, Amar R.
Article History
Received: 13 September 2020
Accepted: 12 August 2021
First Online: 28 August 2021
: IRB was submitted and approved at the University of Miami: study # 20180497.As stated in IRB: <b>“</b>A waiver of informed consent is appropriate, as this study meets the criteria in part 2 of c.f. 45 cfr 46.117; 21 cfr 56.109 – the research presents no more than minimal risk of harm to participants and involves no procedures for which written consent is normally required outside of the research context. All health fair patients signed informed consent for treatment at the health fairs’ registration stations. Consent is not required for this study as it is a retrospective study that aims to look back at data collected at DOCS health fairs.”
: Consent for participation in research was obtained from all participants at time of data collection, as detailed above. No individual patient’s data is included in the manuscript.
: The following authors declare that they have no conflict of interest to disclose:Dr. Stephanie Ioannou.Dr. Kyle Sutherland.Dr. Daniel A. Sussman.Author Dr. Amar R. Deshpande received a research grant from Takeda (money went to institution and grant ended May 2020); received honorarium from ABIM for being on GI test writing-committee (<$10 K/year); received honorarium from GI Health Foundation for being on advisory board (<$10 K/year). He also was asked by Epigenomics in 2016 to speak at a congressional panel about colon cancer screening in the underserved for which Epigenomics paid for the flight, 1 night hotel, and 1 dinner with no financial ties since then.