Brown, Kristin M.
Elliott, Susan J.
Robertson-Wilson, Jennifer
Vine, Michelle M.
Leatherdale, Scott T.
Funding for this research was provided by:
Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (OOP-110788)
Institute of Population and Public Health (MOP-114875)
Article History
Received: 29 May 2017
Accepted: 28 February 2018
First Online: 13 March 2018
Authors’ information
: In this section, we provide further details regarding the first author (K.M.B.), who conducted the interviews, to allow readers to assess the credibility of the qualitative findings. K.M.B. has graduate-level education in qualitative methods and has conducted qualitative interviews and focus groups for several research studies. K.M.B. was not a core member of the COMPASS team or a knowledge broker; she pursued an exploration of COMPASS knowledge exchange for her PhD dissertation. Hence, K.M.B. did not have a relationship with any of the school or public health interview participants prior to the interviews. While K.M.B. knew many of the researcher participants, participants were assured they could share their thoughts confidentially, with findings being reported in aggregate or anonymized quotes used with permission. Transcripts were anonymized and were not shared with members of the COMPASS team. The Principal Investigator and Project Manager gave written permission for their quotes to be identified in this publication.
: Both the overarching COMPASS Study and the specific qualitative data collection for this paper have received ethical approval from the University of Waterloo Office of Research Ethics and participating school boards. Interview participants were provided with a letter of information before participating and gave written consent (in-person interview) or verbal consent (phone interview) to participate, have the interview audio recorded, and for the use of quotes. At any time during data collection, participants were allowed to decline from answering any questions or withdraw from the study.
: All participants gave consent for the use of anonymous quotes in resulting publications and presentations from this research. The Principal Investigator and Project Manager gave written permission for their quotes to be identified in this publication.
: The authors declared they have no competing interests.
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