Pedersen, Line Hjøllund
Wahlberg, Ayo
Cordt, Marie
Schmiegelow, Kjeld
Dalton, Susanne Oksbjerg
Larsen, Hanne Bækgaard
Funding for this research was provided by:
Dagmar Marshalls Fond
Else og Mogens Wedell Wedellsborgs Fond
Tømrermester Jørgen Holm og Hustru Elisa F. Hansens Mindelegat
Kræftens Bekæmpelse
Article History
Received: 21 April 2020
Accepted: 14 October 2020
First Online: 22 October 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: This study is approved by the Danish Data Protection Agency (journal number 2012-58-0004, VD-2019-200 & RH-2016-219.) According to Danish law, no approval from ethical committees is required for interview studies (National Committee for Health Research Ethics: ExternalRef removed). Participation is based on voluntary recruitment. All participants provided written informed consent.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.