Wyatt, Jeremy C.
Article History
Received: 29 March 2018
Accepted: 8 November 2018
First Online: 3 December 2018
Change Date: 20 July 2019
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: Since the publication of this article [1] it has come to my attention that it contains an error in which the y-axis in Fig. 1 was inverted, thus incorrectly displaying a weak negative correlation rather than a weak positive one. This error was introduced as the order of the data on which Fig. 2 was based [2] was misread. The corrected version of Fig. 2 can be seen below, in which a weak positive correlation is now displayed. This does not change the general point, that app users and app stores appear to take little notice of the source of information on which apps are based. I apologise to readers for this error.
Author’s information
: Jeremy Wyatt is a professor of digital healthcare at Southampton University and advises several national bodies about digital health evaluation and regulation.
: Not applicable.
: Not applicable.
: JCW is a Clinical Advisor on New Technologies to the RCP and a member of the MHRA’s Devices Expert Advisory Committee and the Care Quality Commission’s Digital Primary Care Advisory Group.
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