González-Suárez, Begoña
Pagés, Mario
Araujo, Isis Karina
Romero, Cristina
Rodríguez de Miguel, Cristina
Ayuso, Juan Ramón
Pozo, Àngels
Vila-Casadesús, Maria
Serradesanferm, Anna
Ginès, Àngels
Fernández-Esparrach, Glòria
Pellisé, Maria
López-Cerón, María
Flores, David
Córdova, Henry
Sendino, Oriol
Grau, Jaume
Llach, Josep
Serra-Burriel, Miquel
Cárdenas, Andrés
Balaguer, Francesc
Castells, Antoni
Article History
Received: 18 December 2019
Accepted: 22 July 2020
First Online: 18 September 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: The study was approved by the institutional ethics committee of the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona (reg. no. 2012/7292). Enrolled patients gave their written consent to participate in the study. The study adhered to the Declarations of Helsinki.
: Dr. G. Fernández-Esparrach reports non-financial support from Medtronic and non-financial support from Norgine Iberia, during the conduct of the study; personal fees and non-financial support from Norgine Iberia; personal fees and non-financial support from Olympus Spain; and personal fees from CDx Diagnostics, outside the submitted work; Dr. F. Balaguer reports personal fees from Sysmex and personal fees from Norgine, outside the submitted work; Dr. A. Cárdenas is a Boston Scientific consultant; Dr. M. Pellisé has been a consultant for Norgine, Iberia until 2017; received fees for conferences from Norgine, Olympus and CasenRecordati; and receives an editorial fee from Thieme; Dr. A. Castells reports personal fees from Amadix, Jansenn and Goodgut, and grants from Protein Alternatives and Universal Diagnostics, outside the submitted work; the other authors declare that they have no competing interests.