Wright, Mark Andrew
Herzog, Franziska
Mas-Vinyals, Anna
Carnicero-Carmona, Alfons
Lobo-Prat, Joan
Hensel, Cornelia
Franz, Steffen
Weidner, Norbert
Vidal, Joan
Opisso, Eloy
Rupp, Rüdiger
Clinical trials referenced in this document:
Documents that mention this clinical trial
Multicentric investigation on the safety, feasibility and usability of the ABLE lower-limb robotic exoskeleton for individuals with spinal cord injury: a framework towards the standardisation of clinical evaluations
Funding for this research was provided by:
EIT Health (20121 ABLE Exoskeleton)
Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Article History
Received: 7 June 2022
Accepted: 30 March 2023
First Online: 12 April 2023
: All sites received ethics approval from their respective Ethics Committee and National Competent Authority. All subjects provided signed informed consent prior to participation. Site approvals were as follows: (1) Heidelberg University Hospital: Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University, MZmo-557/2020, (2) Institut Guttmann: Fundació Unió Catalana d’Hospitals, CEI 20/40.
: N/A.
: AC, AMV and JLP were employees of ABLE Human Motion S.L., the sponsor of the clinical investigation when the study was conducted and the publication prepared.